Monday, 30 April 2012

Archimedes principle's exercise :)

5 . A safety line is marked on a boat to ensure that the load carried by the boat do not exceed the limit of it capacity .
      *  The maximum buoyant force experienced by the boat is 17400N.
      *  The one who is more eligible to go in the boat is the man  with 60 kg. Because  the man will not make the boat inverted

Sunday, 29 April 2012


9a)The weight of a body is the gravitational force acting on the body.

 b1)-The weight of the father is heavier than the boy.

 - The buoyant force act on the father is more than the boy.

 2- When the water displaced increase,the buoyant force increases.

 -When the weight of water displaced increases,the buoyant force also increases.

 3-Arcimedes' Principle.

 C) When the wooden block is submerged in water,the buoyant force is greater than the weight.
        Hence,the buoyant force pushes the block upwards.

   -This occurs until the block reaches the surface WHen the weight of water displaced,the buoyant force     decrease and becomes equal to the weight of the block causing it to float.

 D)1-streamline Shape:to reduce water friction.

 2)-Light material: use Light materials like bamboo to make it float
 3)-large size raft: easier to accomodate participants.

 4)-Tie the bamboo: Tie the bambooin layers.put motor at the end of the raft to increase the speed of raft.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Exercises of Archimedes Principle.

2.    *   Hydrometer is used to measure the density of a liquid.

       *  A lead shoot is place at its bottom so that it can float upright.

       *  A solid suspended in a fluid will be buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the submerged part of the suspended solid. Thus, the lower the density of the substance, the farther the hydrometer will sink

Friday, 20 April 2012

The conclusion of the experiment

In Conclusion, After performing the experiment,  therefore say that the force present which the fluid exerts on an object placed in it is equal to the weight of the fluid the object displaces. Archimedes’ principle also makes possible the determination of the density of an object that is so irregular in shape that its volume cannot be measured directly. If the object is weighed firstin air and then in water, the difference in weights will equal the weight of the volume of the water displaced, which is the same as the volume of the object. Thus the weight density of the object (weight divided by volume)can readily be determined. In very high precision weighing, both in air andin water, the displaced weight of both the air and water has to be accounted for in arriving at the correct volume and density

Aplication of Archimedes Principle in Our Daily Life

Hai saya Fara. Pada hari ini, saya telah menjalankan satu eksperimen berkaitan dengan Archimedes Principle. Pada hemat saya, eksperimen yang dijalankan pada hari ni dapat saya aplikasikan dalam kehidupan seharian. Sebagai contoh, apabila seseorang itu mandi di dalam tab mandi, isi padu air yang keluar dari tab mandi itu sama dengan jisim badannya. Begitu juga dengan eksperimen ini. Apabila pemberat dimasukkan ke dalam tin eureka, isi padu air yang akan keluar sama dengan jisim pemberat tersebut.
Sekian.. :D

Archimedes experiment

Hye saya emira,pada hari ini kami telah menjalankan eksperimen Archimedes dengan berkesan.Terdapat beberapa prosedur yang telah kami lakukan bagi menjayakan eksperimen ini.Prosedur yang dijalankan cukup teratur.Walaubagaimanapun terdapat beberapa perbezaan dari segi bahan .Di dalam eksperimen yang kami jalankan di sekolah,kami telah menggunakan pemberat manakala dalam eksperimen yang ditunjuk kan ianya telah mengunakan batu.


Today we have done an experiment about Archimedes Principle.The diagram shows the set up of  apparatus in this experiment.
hye im Siti Fatimah Sulaiman, im understand what Archimedes Principle about,but im fail to understand what is the applications of Archimedes Principle on daily life
assalamualaikum,im Hidayah Zainu,based on what im learn about today's lesson was im understood what the teacher taught!!=D

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Saya Nurfaraheen bt Mohd Ramli.Saya amat suka cara Puan wahida mengajar.Beliau membuatkan saya lebih memahami subtopik yang dipelajari.Sesi PNP juga berjalan dalam keadaan gembira.
Archimedes' Principle: When an object is totally or partially immersed in a fluid,the upthrust or buoyant force on it is equal to the weight of fluid displaced.This is the diagram for Archimedes' Principle:

heyy people!im emira,,today  our physics teacher, Wahida has taught us about Archimedes' Principle.Based on the topic that im study,i am able to master this subject about 85%. I will work more harder to fully understand this topic =D

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Archimedes was one of the familiar physicians in the world.

our group members